Courtesy of The Guild, Wolf Gordon, and Karlsson Wilker
Role: Lead Design, Project Management, Fabrication Coordination

Thank You!
2013, Wolf Gordon’s “Force of Nature” is a site-specific hanging sculptural installation for NeoCon 2013 that showcases a vast range of fabrics, textiles, and wall coverings through sweeping gradient color and twisting form. Although it seems visually counter intuitive, every relative relationship between each component is exactly the same. The typical panel measures 12” x 96”, has a light high-density foam sandwiched between a thin masonite surface, covered by fabric on either side. An aluminum border channel keeps each panel rigid and light. A slightly tapered spine member is fastened to the center of each panel. When the following panel is attached at a consistent angle to the tapering spine, it creates the barrel roll. The seemingly simple relationship between components contrasts with the complexity of the form and torsional forces at work. When entirely fastened together, the structure acts as a living spine.